How spouses of American citizens can obtain citizenship

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2019 | Naturalization

Permanent residents who live in New York and who are married to American citizens may be eligible to become citizens themselves. This is true if a person has had a green card for at least three years and has had the same spouse during that time period. Furthermore, that individual must have resided in the United States for three years prior to applying to become a naturalized citizen.

During this time, the applicant must have actually lived in the country for 18 months. An applicant must reside in the state or district where an application is filed for three months prior to doing so. These time requirements may not apply to those who are living abroad and are married to a United States citizen. However, an individual must generally be in the country to take the naturalization exam and to take part in the naturalization ceremony.

That person must then go back to the country where their spouse is located immediately after the naturalization process is compete. When the citizen spouse is ready to return home, an applicant must promise to also live in the United States. Regardless of the path a person takes to become a citizen, that individual must be able to speak English. It will also be necessary to show that he or she is willing to adhere to the laws of the United States.

Those who are interested in going through the naturalization process may want to consider having the help of an attorney. Doing so may make it easier to understand the process and the various requirements an individual may need to adhere to. An attorney may also be helpful to those who have questions about their current residency status and how they can keep it.